Peter Bartlett is one of the most experienced media lawyers in Australia. He has acted for the media against defamation writs, demands to reveal sources and suppression orders. Bartlett has been involved in some of the most controversial stories published in the past 50 years. He is a mighty advocate for the public’s right to know and free speech.

Our Mission
This is a critical time in the history of Australian democracy with thousands of journalists losing their jobs due to the transformation of the media's business model. The rise of fake news and spin is poisoning public debate. It is time to reflect on the incalculable worth of original in-depth reporting and its value to a healthy democracy and informed public sphere.
Democracy’s Watchdogs will provide an oral and visual history through video interviews with past and current Australian investigative reporters who exposed corruption and held powerful government, criminal and corporate interests to account. These reporters helped make society fairer and our democracy healthier.
How to support us
Your donations will help Democracy’s Watchdogs generate support for a lifeblood of our democratic system. Please donate. Democracy’s Watchdogs is a registered non-profit organisation. We depend entirely on your support. Tell your friends and follow us on Twitter and Facebook.
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